The automobile in business - Accounting Academy
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The automobile in business

In this course we will cover several important topics related to the use of cars and trucks in joint stock companies and individual entrepreneurs. What expenses can be accounted for in the company, the possibility of receiving MVA (VAT) deduction, methods of calculating tax liabilities in case of personal use of a company car, and we will also consider the issues of choosing between purchasing, renting or leasing a car. You will get answers to these and other questions that may arise in the context of the use of motor vehicles in your business.
The most up-to-date information is presented in a convenient and accessible format: videos, presentations, texts and tests. You can take the course anywhere in the world, all you need is a phone, tablet or PC.

Course contents

Module 1
Use of a personal car in business
Module 2
Use of a corporate or personal car by an individual entrepreneur (EPF)
Module 3
Use of a corporate vehicle for personal use by a private entrepreneur (EPF)
Module 4
A passenger car as a corporate vehicle in a joint stock company (AS)
Module 5
A truck as a corporate vehicle in a joint stock company (AS).
Module 6
Accounting. Buying, renting or leasing an automobile
Module 7
Accounting. VAT (MVA) on vehicle related expenses and other tax liabilities

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In the private chat room you communicate and share useful materials with other users of the platform. And the teacher answers questions about the course and gives guidance on how to complete assignments.

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You can study anywhere in the world, all you need is your smartphone or laptop

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